Climate adaptation along the value chain - an organizational approach
Updates and articles from DSR & Partners can be found here at regular intervals
Risk management and climate adaptation
From Ranking to "Adaptation10" - Your new guide to the emerging adaptation economy
The 6th Adaptation StartUp Ranking
The 5th Climate Adaptation StartUp Ranking
The 4th Climate Adaptation StartUp Ranking
The 3rd Climate Adaptation StartUp Ranking
The 2nd Climate Adaptation StartUp Ranking
The global 1st Ranking of Climate Adaptation StartUps (monthly)
Approaching El Niño, the fuel to the fire of Climate Change. What is it and where does it strike?
"Chocolate at stake" or Risk Management turning a blind eye on Climate Adaptation: 10 possible root causes
Climate Adaptation in Europe: Why Corporations Need to Make the Shift
“THIS IS NOTHING!” – Adaptive organizations react better on crises
Daniel Schmitz-Remberg
Founder and Managing Director DSR & Partners